The Last Frontier
Alaska. The "Last Frontier." As avid Alaskan backcountry hunters and anglers, we recognize that this Last Frontier also represents one of the last essential wild places for wild animals and fish that we all cherish and enjoy.
Clean air, free-flowing streams red with spawning salmon, immense roadless miles of boreal forest and alpine slopes where wolves and bears still naturally roam amongst moose and sheep and vast herds of caribou it's the very definition of wilderness and the lifelong dream of most every hunter and angler.
Alaska Backcounty Hunters and Anglers works to keep this dream alive and to ensure that Alaska's unique wildlife, habitats and natural traditions are sustained in their entirety, through conscientious stewardship, education and work on behalf of clean water and wilderness.

From the the pantry and freezer Alaska's game meat and fish sustains us